The 2 Week Diet

Friday 11 August 2017

The Relationship Between Diet And Pimples

The relationship between diet and pimples

'To avoid pimples you should not eat pork or chocolate anymore'. Those kind of statements are heard or read regularly. But are those statements correct? Are there any evidence for that? Or does the appearance of pimples have a completely different cause? In the US, scientists researched and we made a brief inventory of their preliminary findings.
Glycemic Index (GI)

We will first understand that understanding for a few times. GI is a scientific standard measure to measure the effect of carbohydrates on your glucose level. The GI index shows how much your glucose level rises after eating a particular product. Carbohydrates that are rapidly degraded during digestion and rapidly release their glucose into the bloodstream have a high glycemic index. Examples of this are white rice, white bread, sweet potatoes and sugary soft drinks. Carbohydrates that slowly degrade and gradually release their glucose to the blood have a low glycemic index. Examples of this are legumes. Vegetables and some kinds of fruit, cereal bread and rye bread.
Preliminary research conclusions in a row

The US investigations that have been held so far have not yet proven hard evidence. So to prove that there is a connection between acne and a certain type of nutrition is not yet possible. Hence we are careful with the following first conclusions. What has become clear now is the effect on acne by switching high glycemic products to low glycemic products. Those results were positive. The insulin level drops due to a low glycemic diet and insulin sensitivity rises. Both facts contribute to the reduction of acne.

• It also appears that vitamin D reduces acne
• Vitamin A and calcium appear to have no effect
• Use of many milk products (dairy) seems to promote acne (both full and skinny)
• There are (yet) no clear conclusions about eating fatty products and chocolate
• Nutrition with high GI can maintain acne
Low GI nutrition may weaken existing acne

Eat healthy and beautiful

In the row above, the word "seems" often appears. We know that because science has not produced unanimous results, but we want to keep you informed. Doctors, especially dermatologists, however, agree that what you eat also largely determines the health of your skin. So if you want to have skin problems like acne, eat as varied and of course as possible and preferably unprocessed foods.

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