The 2 Week Diet

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Weight Loss Basics: How Many Calories To Lose Weight

How Many Calories To Lose Weight

How many calories to lose weight is one of the fastest growing industry in the marketplace today. Seems like every time you turn around there is another product promising to help you lose that weight and to do so fast. Basically there is no fast track when it comes to keeping the weight off. You may be promised that if you take this or that supplement, if you drink gallons of water, eat a pile of grapefruit, it makes the pounds just melt off. However, when it comes to weight loss staying off for good, it’s a matter of counting those calories. You have to burn more calories than what you consume. Reducing extra calories from the foods you eat and the drinks you drink is the only one way to make that happen. You can also burn calories off through physical activity.

The energy in the food we eat is calories. Our body needs this energy to function. From typing a blog to running in a cross country race, the energy we get from the food we eat is what enables us to do every action our bodies make. We need calories. 

Nutrients from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates contain the main calories needed as fuel.  These amounts of calories gained from each one vary from type to type. Regardless of where you get them, it does not matter, a calorie is a calorie.  They are converted as fuel when we participate in physical activity. If we do not, they are stored as fat.  This fat is what remains on our bodies unless we use it up. When you reduce your calorie intake, your body will use this reserve (fat) as fuel. When you increase your physical activity while reducing calories, it also uses up this stored fat or calories so you burn it off your weight.

Now that that is understood you can go forward with a how many calories to lose weight plan. The first thing you have to do is to set a goal. Setting a goal (or plan) and writing it down as a visual aid will be the best way to stick to it. This helps you achieve your goal much easier and quicker than doing it all in your head. Marking off days gives you a sense of achievement that will keep you motivated. Planning an achievable goal that is challenging but not over reaching will help also. 

You do not have to be all by yourself in this endeavor. Family, friends, and your doctor can be an invaluable support system in place for you. Ask for their help and support so that difficult times can be anticipated and dealt with among a loving encouraging support group surrounding you. 

The bottom line is that you yourself must make a how many calories to lose weight commitment in order to succeed. The more you are committed the more you will stick to the plan you have put in place. Take every day one at a time. If on one day, you slip up, do not give up, get back on track the very next day.

lose, lose 38lbs in 30 days

Weight Loss Strategies - Losing Weight Fast

Weight Loss Strategies

There are hundreds of weight loss products, fad diets, and Diet Experts who know all the secrets to losing weight fast.  Yet, the weight loss industry continues to be one of the largest and fastest growing business sectors in the United States, not to mention in the world.  Men and women alike spend millions of dollars annually trying to lose their extra weight and then spend almost as much trying to keep that weight off.  The secret to permanent weight loss, however is to make long-term life-style changes that create healthy nutritional and exercise habits that become ingrained. 

How are these permanent changes made?  Consider these strategies for reaching your permanent weight loss goals:

1.    Commit for life.  Weight loss that is permanent is not easy.  It takes hard work and it takes the patience and determination to stick with the plan and to stay committed to the goal.  Permanently modifying lifelong habits literally takes physical and mental energy.

2.    Focus Inwardly.  No one can make weight loss a success except the individual themselves.  Finding their internal motivation to lose weight will mean they are losing weight for themselves and no one else.  Losing weight should be a very personal goal, it should not be done to please anyone else. 

3.    Set a realistic and reachable goal.   When some try to lose weight, they don’t realize that a reasonable weight loss is 1 to 2 pounds per week, so expect to lose 30 pounds their first month and then are disappointed when they don’t. To lose the 1 to 2 pounds per week, it will take burning an extra 500 to 1,000 extra calories per day either through more exercise or through consuming fewer calories or a combination of both. 

4.  Eat healthier.  Modifying the diet to include healthier foods includes adding more plant-based foods, including vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.  It also helps to add some variety into the menu, including green, leafy vegetables.  Start the day with a good, healthy breakfast.  Include healthy fats, as well including vegetable oils, nut butters, and olive oil.  Also, cut back on sugar, high-fat dairy, and eat lean protein, approximately 3 ounce servings, no more.

5.    Work it out.  Though it is possible to lose weight without exercising, physical activity provides an edge to weight loss.  It helps burn off calories which cannot be cut through diet alone.  Exercise is also extremely beneficial for the health including reducing blood pressure, boosting the mode, and strengthening the cardiovascular system.  Research studies have shown that individuals who have maintained long-term weight loss have all done it by including regular physical activity.

6.    Change perspectives.  Eating healthy and exercising will certainly help with weight loss, but these will not provide for long-term, permanent weight loss.  The only thing that can make that happen is when the individual commits to maintaining a healthy, active, nutritious lifestyle and makes permanent changes in diet, eating and physical activity habits and ensures these become their way of life. 

During any weight loss program, there will likely be setbacks.  Instead of giving up and quitting, anyone trying to lose weight will be better off simply forgiving themselves for getting off-track and starting fresh the next day.   It is good to remember that losing weight fast is not easy and neither is changing one’s life to make the weight loss permanent.  Steady and permanent weight loss will take time, but committing to a healthy lifestyle will work and the results will certainly be worth all the effort.

 lose 38lbs, lose 38lbs in 30 days

Lose 38lbs in 30 Days - Is Weight Loss That Easy?

Lose 38lbs in 30 Days - Is Weight Loss That Easy?

Weight loss is easy but I made it so hard. I was a fool to think that weight loss could be bought. Well, I do suppose, weight loss can be bought via liposuction but that is a short lived procedure. The way that I tried to buy weight loss is purchasing special powders, shakes, pills, workout videos and exercise machines. I have probably spent over $5000 on things that are suppose to make you skinny. Somehow I gained weight. I should be entitled to a full return. The truth of the matter is that weight loss is easy but it is far from simple.

Lose 38lbs in 30 Days - Weight loss is easy because we understand all the metrics of weight loss, it is a mathematically solved question. You determine how many calories your body require to survive and your energy usage and you either eat exactly that amount of calories and allow exercise to do the rest of the work or you eat lower than your basal metabolic rate and lose weight via diet. Easy!

At least it is easy when you type it out. The day to day struggles of staying on track and the emotional pull of sugary fattening foods is strong. It is a tough battle for anyone to face and many fail. When it comes to things like weight loss I like to focus on the people who have successfully lost weight, what did they do and can  I copy it. One thing that they all do is pick a diet that they can keep. This means no crash diets or something that is almost impossible to consistently do. Most just use portion control or they replace their diet to a low calorie one that keeps them full. Diet is the most important part of weight loss but you don't have to over think it. Simply pick a diet that you can keep.

On exercise: Exercise is actually a new phenomena. It is something that was never talked about or performed until humans started working sedentary jobs. Before, everyone worked physical jobs and stayed active. Children played outside and didn't play on computers everyday. It is a fact that diet is more important that exercise. My advice it take 30 minutes to work your body as hard as possible. Raise your heartbeat and do something anything at maximum effort. This is the only exercise you  need. Your diet will take care of the rest.

As you can see, losing weight is easy; losing weight is hard. It really depends on how you approach it. If you approach it from a common sens e perspective then it will be easy. Focus more on diet than anything.

A healthy diet will naturally keep you then and will keep you healthy well into old age. Exercise is important but you don't have to become a gym rat. Just 30 minutes of very intense exercise a day is all you need to keep you heart healthy and your blood circulating properly. Lose 38lbs in 30 days can be achievable but follow this link and it can be made alot easier.

  lose 38lbs, lose 38lbs in 30 days